Preparedness to avoid creating Panic
Letting Agents have always been capable of dealing with challenges - change management is part of their psyche. However, as the outbreak of the Coronavirus begins to be more prevalent, agents are putting procedures into place the guidance provided by Public Health England. No one, even the specialists are sure of how this situation will unravel. Larger organisations have already rolled out their plans, small to medium enterprises should follow suit.
Une Semaine Historique pour Le Royaume Uni.
Apres trois ans et quelques mois, on est sur le chemin de quitter L’Union Europeen. C’est pas si simple qu’on le croit car ce proces est assez complique. Des millions d’anglais croyaient le jour apres le referendum qu’on sera parti immediatement, sans aucune idee des difficultes qu’on devra affronter!!!!
Donc, le 31 janvier 2020, sera une date symbolique, historique, politique. A 23h00 a Londres, la separation commence. Une piece nouvelle de 50 pence sera en circulation pour “celebrer” cet evenement monumentale.
Che Succede Quando Lasciamo L’ Unione Europea?
Quest’ultimi 3 anni sono stati un po’ stressanti e faticosi. Quel venerdi quando il popolo britannico ha deciso che il Regno Unito dovrebbe lasciare L’Unione Europea, siamo rimasti in una nebbia, un periodo veramente strano, con tante domande senza risposte.
Pensiamoci un po’ - Londra, citta piena di nazionalita diverse, e certo gente che si trova nella capitale forse per il lavoro, forse per l’amore, forse per gli studi. Non importa ovunque si va, italiani, spagnoli, francesi, polachi, ecetera, si sono trasferiti a Londra, ma non sanno se devono continuare ad affittare casa, estendere il contratto di lavoro o partire.
The 5th Directive - Anti-Money Laundering
As from the 10th January 2020, all letting agents who manage properties which, INDIVIDUALLY, have an income of 10,000 Euros or more per month, must now comply with regulations set out in the 5th Money Laundering Directive.
From May 2020, all letting agents across the UK have 12 months to register with HMRC if they sit within the requirements set out above. Even though the registration portal is not yet available, Customer due diligence (CDD) checks must be carried out new tenants and landlords on or from 10th January 2020. This process will also apply any existing tenancy is renewed after this date, meaning that letting agents will need to carry out CDD checks at that point .