Two Weeks - What have Letting Agents been dealing with?
With the announcement that the housing/property sector in England was “re-opening”, there has been a flurry of activity within the Lettings Industry. Yet, it is clear through discussions with letting agents across the country that not all agents have opened their doors. The approach on the whole tends to be a “phased” strategy, given that there is so much to consider.
Covid-19 Protocols - Letting Agents are without a doubt used to health & safety being part of their working day, but this is on a completely different level. a Employees - who will return to the office environment, how, when and why?

Responding to COVID-19 - Create a Post-Lockdown Strategy
Well, what a few hectic and interesting few days. Sunday - the Prime Minister announces a 5 stage plan to ease the UK out of lockdown. The live broadcast lasted 15 minutes. We understood everything he said and continued to wile away the evening - Scrabble anyone?
Monday, 10PM, surprise, No, shock, announcement from the Housing Secretary - as from Wednesday, yes within 24 hours, those working in the property sector could re-open.
Tuesday and a little bit of chaos ensues - is this a dream? Clearly not a practical joke. It was true, “the green light” had been given for the housing market to get back to work, but, as the old adage states, “always read the small print”. As social media, trade press, national press reported on this significant shift, the detail of Robert Jenrick announcement became apparent, ONLY if property professionals could adhere to the guidance then letting agents, estate agents, developers, construction companies, removal companies, inventory clerks, surveyors and any other Stakeholder in the property sector could get back to work. Sounds straightforward? Not quite. The last 3 days we witnessed property professionals making decisions that are quite crucial in their response to COVID-19 Post Lockdown and ensuring not only a safe return to work, but also a safe environment for clients & implementing Covid-19 Protocols for any business activity undertaken away from the office premises.

Letting Agents & Estate Agents prepare for Post-Lockdown business activity
And so we move from uncertainty to a curve ball with the possibility that some agents may not have their Covid-19 Protocols in place.
The property industry has most definitely suffered, as have all businesses across the UK, and further set back are not needed, therefore it is crucial to follow guidance put in place by BEIS, the HSE, Public Health England.
Our webinars which began this provided advice & support for letting agents to start preparing for a smooth transition from lockdown to a re-opening of business, yet the Covid-19 Protocols will apply just as much, if not more, to valuations, viewings, move-ins, check-outs etc.

As May the Fourth approaches, I reflect on the Jedi Masters who influence me and those who bring the Force to the Lettings Industry?
Many years ago in a Galaxy far far away… that’s an homage to Star Wars of course, something I could not resist. What I meant to say, was many years ago, my goddaughter sent me a book – “Outliers” written by Malcolm Gladwell. She sent it to me because we had been discussing how anyone becomes an expert or a specialist at what they do – was it Nurture V Nature? Could anyone, regardless of background or education hone in their ability and develop a skill to an extremely high level? Gladwell focused mainly on basketball, yet 10,000 hours or 417 days could be applied to anything. The discussion with my goddaughter featured around the fact that we were both born into families where English was not the first language in the home, so we developed a skill set where we became fluent in three foreign languages. We were not taught the other languages by our parents, although we already had an aptitude and “ear” for language that helped us develop a skill set. But we also had to “work” at maintaining a certain level of language because as the saying goes “if you don’t use it, you lose it”.