The Importance of Creating a Strong Audit Trail
News / Blog Susie Crolla News / Blog Susie Crolla

The Importance of Creating a Strong Audit Trail

Over the last 2 years, we have conducted a significant number of audits. The audits are not finance related, the focus is on compliance on 2 levels - Compliance of the letting agency and compliance related to process and systems. Our desktop audits are conducted to ensure that GLM members are complying with membership criteria and relevant statutory requirements.

We have been asked by clients to audit their property portfolio to ensure compliance, to prepare for the sale of their business or to invest in other agencies; most recently we have been involved in auditing agencies being acquired.

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Our Advice Line - a Source of Comfort during the Pandemic
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Our Advice Line - a Source of Comfort during the Pandemic

The last seven months have been pivotal on so many levels, it really is difficult to know where to begin. We witnessed the country stop in its tracks in late March, as businesses, our clients transitioned from the office environment to WFH. A task which seems straightforward but not so; where do directors, MDs, office managers, negs, property managers and administrators begin with such a gargantuan undertaking? And yet, they did up until the 12th May when the housing market re-opened to the surprise of everyone working within the sector. What followed was a flurry of activity to get Covid-19 protocols in place for the safe re-opening of the sector, a soft-opening if you will do so many letting agents, estate agents, conveyancers, surveyors - tentatively venturing into unknown territory to be certain that health and safety came first.

Our Role

We, like everyone in business, have been affected by the virus. Our CEO, Susie became ill with virus on the day of the first Lockdown, a worrying time for us all, hoping she would make a swift recovery. Our face to face training was put on hold and with the support of Tony at Pixels and Puzzles, we moved seemlessly online, not just to train but provide clients with extremely important webinars, put together to guide letting agents through what must have felt like relentless changes to existing legislation. Susie came to the webinar party in mid-April when she was certain she could cope with the level of questions being asked; we remember after every webinar or training session, she needed a nap - post-Covid fatigue was a real thing.

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