Domestic Violence and the Pandemic
The government acknowledges that coronavirus household isolation instructions can cause anxiety for those who are experiencing or feel at risk of domestic abuse. There is never an excuse for domestic abuse, no matter what the circumstances are.
Recognise domestic abuse
Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexuality or background.
What is domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse is not always physical violence. It can also include:
coercive control and ‘gaslighting’
economic abuse
online abuse
threats and intimidation
emotional abuse
sexual abuse

Fixflo welcomes leading EICR providers to new contractor marketplace
Fixflo launches a brand new ‘contractor marketplace’ this week with leading property services companies, Prop Cert and Vibrant. Claiming to be the easiest way to find electricians for fixed wire tests, the new service enables agents to access reliable, qualified and affordable electricians directly within their Fixflo system.
The on-demand service lets users book a new EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) with just a few simple clicks and have an EICR completed within 5 days of a request. With Fixflo’s Contractor Marketplace, agents can source electricians for urgent EICRs across the UK, with weekend and evening appointments available to minimise access issues. The providers can also carry out the necessary remedial works right away or provide quotes if the cost of works will exceed the agent’s authorisation limit.
New electrical safety regulations require all rented homes in England to have a valid EICR by 1 April 2021. Despite the ongoing pandemic, the Government has not announced any extensions for the impending deadline. With just months to go, agents are advised to begin their compliance audit and phase their EICR appointments amidst the Covid-19 emergency to take into account delays caused by changing public health measures.

Be sure your Letting Agency is ready as the Brexit Transition ends
The Coronavirus has been the main topic of conversation for the last 8 months, pushing the previous hot topic to one side. Yet, in six weeks time, the UK’s transition out of the EU will have ended.
New immigration system: what you need to know. The UK is introducing a points-based immigration system from 2021.
On 13 July 2020, the government set out further details on the UK’s points-based system. These new arrangements will take effect from 1 January 2021, once freedom of movement with the European Union (EU) has ended.
It will treat EU and non-EU citizens equally and aims to attract people who can contribute to the UK’s economy. Irish citizens will continue to be able to enter and live in the UK as they do now.
Visa Application Process
New immigration routes will open later this year for applications to work, live and study in the UK from 1 January 2021.