Zoom Fatigue - A Post Lockdown Syndrome
100 plus days have lapsed and we have all probably lost count of the sheer number of Zoom, GoToWebinar, Teams webinars, meetings, conferences and training sessions we participated in.
Zoom Fatigue (no disrespect to Zoom), is a real thing. Psychologists observe that taking part in a virtual meeting, conference, training session, webinar, takes up far more energy and causes far more stress than the average face to face meeting. Granted the commute to work is far shorter, however, throw into the mix. a whole range of unexpected consequences, and the scenario is not quite what one would expect it to be.
E-Learning is Child's Play - Or is it?
Covid-19 or Coronavirus has changed our view of the World. How we behave and interact with others has been shaped by this virus. For the cynics, who felt that tech, Social Media, a way of staying connected that did not involve Zoom, FaceTime or Skype, could never have predicted that this time would come.
As a traditionalist when it comes to education, it is human interaction that drives and motivates me, the connection with learners and how we bounce off one another is inspirational. However, for many years teaching and education have evolved. The virus has caused the classroom and lecture theatres to be moved completely to the online platform. Now more than ever, there is a need to adapt and change.
Regulation of the Property Industry - No Need to Panic
Today we received a spike in the number of calls we usually have; it’s not an unusual occurrence because are a customer facing organisation who supports their membership with advice, guidance and help in any matters relating to Landlord, Tenant, and the Agency world . What caused the spike today’s announcement that the findings of ROPA (Regulation of Property Agents) presented to the Housing Minister on Monday, that the Private Rented Sector should be regulated
E-Learning - Still the Way Forward
Just over 12 years ago. we developed a suite of qualifications with the assistance of then, Edexcel. These BTEC qualifications at Levels 2, 3 and 4 were the first of their kind in the Private Rented Sector. Vocational qualifications which were suited to the needs and requirements of learners who worked in Letting Agencies and therefore, had a tremendous level of knowledge, yet had never “qualified”.