So what do Letting Agents actually do for their Landlords?

The spotlight is well and truly on the Private Rented Sector; discussions in abundance about the value of a Letting Agent towards their consumers. We are very well aware of the struggle that so many experience when trying to find a place to live, and more so a home that is fit for purpose. Yet, given the continuous introduction lion of Legislation, we felt an overview of what Letting Agents are dealing with on a daily basis would be interesting.

There is a distinct disconnect between thinking you KNOW what a Letting Agent does and actually UNDERSTANDING what a Letting Agent does. The list below is just a little taste of what excellent Letting Agents deal with on a daily basis to ensure Compliance, Due Diligence and Duty of Care are present. The fines and penalties are never-ending.


Trip the Light Fantastic


What Next as the Tenant Fee Act 2019 receives Royal Assent?